Paul Mengert

Above all else in his business career and his life, Paul Mengert, AMG (Association Management Group) CEO, believes it is vitally important for everyone with means to give back to their community in whatever way they can. That can mean giving of yourself personally, or it can mean generating business activity and a larger tax base. To demonstrate his level of commitment to his native community of Greensboro, North Carolina, consider that was the a primary reason he located AMG there in the first place, when he established the firm in 1984. These days, Paul Mengert, AMG leader, is very highly regarded as a leader in the homeowners association management industry nationwide. This status is not just in the Carolinas, either.

By employing many AMG class instructors who are executives with various companies, in lofty positions like managing partner, president, and CEO, he has been building up his community in many ways. For one thing, in order to teach there, these highly paid executives have to move to Greensboro. They bring with them their money, but also their brainpower, which increases the ability of the community to deal with nearly any situation.

There is a lot more to Paul Mengert than founding and serving as the CEO of a successful firm. His lifelong commitment to education is also impressive. In addition to teaching at AMG, Paul Mengert once majored in Political Science and Communications at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro and he then worked to gain certification as a Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) in 1990. He followed that up by graduating with a degree from Harvard Business School in 2005. He also was part of the national senior faculty for the Community Associations Institute.